Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Video Games

On a large scale level, all of us have played some type of game. With my generation being defined as millenials, we have grown up in a technologically savvy world. With technology being so readily available, I have had access to many different games. I was definitely a tomboy when I was little and still kind of am. I have an older brother who is about 2 years older than me and I would always try to do everything that he was doing. I've always been competitive and so this got me interesting in a lot of what society would say is "guy stuff".

I'm not sure if Pokémon came out before game cube but I played both. I had every edition of Pokémon and I had a Gameboy and many versions of the handheld devise. I also played on the game cube and we played super smash bros as well as money ball or something. It was actually a really fun game because you would go through different obstacles with your money in this ball thing and you couldn't fall off the obstacle!

Then my brother upgraded to a PlayStation as well as an Xbox. I didn't really play anything on them except I did play dance dance revolution on the PlayStation if that counts as a video game?

As we grew older my brother was always into the war video games because he wanted to go into the army or marines (which he is actually in now!). I wasn't very good at them because I couldn't get my person to look at eye level while also controlling the weapons and such. Also my brother would tell me that we were on the same team and then he would go and kill me!! That did not last for very long to say the least!

Then, in grade school I really got into those online games. I played Neopets and club penguin? I'm not sure what kind of phases that was! I also played this online game called Runescape. My brother introduced me and taught me how to do it. I'm not going to lie, that game took up god knows how many hours of my life. I was completely hooked and was completely addicted to the game!!! It was so bad, I would spend my entire weekends on the internet just building up my skills and money in the game. I even bought memberships so that I could unlock other parts of the game and I just found it to be so fun. In actuality, there were a lot of skills I learned from that game. I'm probably a really efficient typer because I was on that game so much! I also learned a lot about value and bartering. So I did learn things but with hindsight, I spent way too much time on that game that it was so unhealthy!

Temporarily I was introduced to league of legends.... That did not last very long. I mainly just did that because of a guy that I liked. I found it to be confusing and dumb because you had to spend so much time on this "one" mission! It just found it to be too simple honestly. Once high school hit, I had no time to play video games and I moved into watching tv shows and movies more. Now in college, I'm the same way. My video games are over but I still enjoy sci-fi and interactive things once in a while!!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Honeymooners: Mind Your Own Business

I really enjoyed this episode of The Honeymooners. It was really funny and the dialogue was great! It's amazing how advanced the scripts of these shows developed after the world figured out how to add speaking to the big screen. These episodes also came out in the 50's which is really interesting because of how long but also short that television has been around. They also have the live audience which gives queues on when the audience at home should laugh. There's a lot of sophistication that these new television shows had which they previous had not. Also in these episodes they use topics that are extremely relatable to the public. Events that actually happened made these episodes popular.


While reading through this section, I didn't realize that in the beginning, mystery stories were written in the perspective of the villain. The turning point was really The Detective Story and The Shadow Magazine. Later on of course one of the best well known mystery series is Sherlock Holmes. I think there are about 4 current shows on TV today that are based off of Sherlock Holmes which just shows how radio took off. When World War II ended, so did American's interest for mystery kind of ended. Also the new age that came to be with the ushering in of the Cold War kind of wiped out the popularity of radio shows and increasing interest in television.

Private Eyes:
Private Eyes is interesting because increasing popularity was moving towards a narrative perspective for crime radio airings. The characters that the authors devised were brilliant because they kind of were like awesome good guys that fought crime and didn't answer to anyone. By using first person, the public was able to hear the thoughts of the main character. This era also created the idea of a sidekick. The sidekick was there to help the main character and create more dialogue.


I love Pandora. It is so convenient and has a plethora of songs from all different genres. It's a great tool just because of the songs that it has in it's arsenal. You can type in a specific song or artist and then Pandora was specifically tailor a playlist for you based on that preference. I have stumbled upon so many songs that I absolutely love which I never would have heard unless I had Pandora! It does have commercials but it's not that bad because you can just go to a different station. Also I do come across some songs that I don't like but I'm able to just skip them because of the feature Pandora puts on there so that's great! It does stink that it uses Wifi because that's where most of my monthly data goes! The iPhone has tried to kind of copy Pandora on their music app but I don't think that works very well and I definitely prefer Pandora!

John Waters

John Waters was born in 1946 in Maryland. He has been involved in so many aspects of art, most notably as a screen director, and writer. He rose to popularity in the 70's and 80's. One of his notable works is the ever popular Hairspray. Some of his other popular works are: Roman Candles, Pink Flamingos, Serial Mom. He has created some works of art that have helped the art world progress into a new era.

Angel de Quinta's STAGE DOOR Blog

I was looking through the excerpts and I stumbled upon a performance from Miss Saigon. I found this to be interesting because there was so much going on during the show! Also the actors had so much attitude and emotion in their singing.

I actually got the privilege to see Les Miserables live in an English theatre about four years ago while I was in London. There's an excerpt from the musical on this site and I just think the musical is brilliant. It's my favorite musical, and best thing I've seen live in my life.

Angel de Quinta also has an excerpt from The Sound of Music. The excerpt is the song is My Favorite Things by Julie Andrews. This song has been one of the biggest songs that has come from this musical. It's one of the songs people right away distinguish is from the Sound of Music.

It's interesting how he decides to put multiple clips of the same thing but in different time periods or different singers. He posted some Christmas songs and had clips of the song being sung when it was produced and in recent times.

The Great Train Robbery

I found this silent film to be very interesting. Since the film was silent, it was up to the actors and the setting to bring the plot alive. The actors had to basically over act so that the audience at home could tell what they were doing. It was interesting how Edwin Porter decided to use color in this film. He used it on the scene with the women's yellow dress while she was dancing. He also used it for the gun powder coming out of the shot guns. I thought that coloring the gun residue was brilliant because you really needed to see it since you couldn't hear it. The soundtrack for the film was also really great, it really kept with what was going on and was engaging!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Pjotr Sapegin's Madama Butterfly

This short animated film was really depressing. It starts off with this man and woman having a brief sexual encounter. He then leaves her to go back onto his ship, somehow giving the woman a false belief that he is going to return. She stays atop the hill, waiting for him to return some day. As time progresses we see that she is pregnant and has the child. The animation shows that she and her child are connected still through the umbilical cord and the child continues to grow. They continue to await the return of the man from long ago. He eventually returns but he does not return alone. He is with another woman and they ruthlessly take the child from the woman by detaching the umbilical cord. Then they drive off with the woman's daughter, waving as they go. The woman is so upset that she runs away from the spot that she had been at for many years. She then proceeds to commit suicide by disassembling herself. In the end, she flies away just like a butterfly.

This story was so sad and depressing. It was interesting how the producers put together the animation. I thought the last scene when she's taking herself apart one by one was absolutely brilliant. It was an interesting way to show how she commits suicide, very original. The opera in the background was very emotional and really spoke to the animation.

Marraige of Figaro

I decided to watch the Marriage of Figaro for my opera of choice. The performance starts off with really engaging music that is very uplifting which then proceeds to bring us into the first scene of the opera. We meet Figaro and his fiancé Susanna who are talking about their upcoming wedding and setting up their future room together close to the Count and the Countess. What comes to light as the scene progresses is that the Count is trying to woo and sleep with Susanna. There was actually some sort of law that allowed the masters to sleep with their servants soon to be wives and Figaro is obviously very upset with this news.

A plot twist then enters with Dr. Bartolo and Marcellina. She at one point was supposed to marry Figaro and is still extremely upset about it. She is plotting with Dr. Bartolo to break up the engagement and wedding so that Figaro marries Marcellina.

In the edition that I watched which was created in 1980, there is a young page by the name of Cherubino. He is in love with the Countess. In this version a woman plays him but she wears men's clothing. To make matters worse, Cherubino has to hide when the Count walks in. He is trying to seduce Susanna but she is turned off by it. Cherubino has been getting into a lot of trouble throughout the castle because he has been getting caught messing around with the women. The Count discovers Cherubino hiding under a cloth and immediately the Count thinks that there's something going on with Susanna and Cherubino.

Figaro comes up with a brilliant plan to bring a bunch of the Count's subjects into the castle to express their gratitude that the Count has abolished the law of him essentially getting to sleep with the bride before her husband. The Count comes up with a plan to try to break up the wedding and goes to find Marcellina.

In the beginning of act 2 the Countess finds out that her husband is trying to sleep with Susanna. Figaro knows of the Count's plan to break up with wedding and so he uses Basilio to get the Count an anonymous note that tells him that his wife is being unfaithful. Susanna plans a set up because the Count had asked her to meet him in the garden. She dresses up Cherubino as her and has him go to the garden to meet the Count.

The Count interrogates the Countess to find out who she was talking to and he comes to the conclusion that it's her lover in the closet. When she goes to let the person out of the closet the Countess and Count are both surprised that it is Susanna. Susanna had helped Cherubino to sneak out of the closet. There is much confusion and the act ends with the Count deciding to rule on the case of Figaro and Marcellina in which it is claimed that Figaro agreed to marry her for a loan.

Since Cherubino is gone at this point, the Countess decides that she will pretend to be Susanna and will meet the Count in the garden.

There is a lot of hiding in this Opera and so many scenes when people overhear others. We find out that Marcellina is actually Figaro's mother!!

In the last act, everything comes to a conclusion. Susanna and the Countess switch places to cause confusion. But in the very end, the real Countess reveals herself and the Count begs for her forgiveness which she ends up granting.

I actually really enjoyed this opera. To be honest, I've never watched an opera before and I never particularly liked opera singing. This was really cool! It was good to have subtitles obviously so that I could understand it! I think that the singing helped to add emotion and it helped to constantly progress the scenes!

Really enjoyed this and glad this was an assignment!